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A New Community by Charter Homes & Neighborhoods
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Charter Homes & Neighborhoods
Low $400k's - High $400k's
  • Bedrooms: 3 - 4
  • Bathrooms: 2.5 - 2.5
  • Square Feet: 1,752 - 2,251
Community Details
  • Home Types:
  • Single Family Homes
  • Townhomes
  • School District:
  • South Fayette Township
golf_course Golf Course
park Park
hiking Trails
Check out this new home community in Bridgeville, PA found on NewHomesDirectory.com - Hastings by Charter Homes & Neighborhoods.
We would like to announce Hastings by Charter Homes & Neighborhoods. Join the Hastings Priority Club, for current updates on the community. Joining the priority club will also afford you the privilege so choosing your lot and home before released to the public, including special pricing when choosing your brand new home. Every community has a story to tell, become part of Hastings story and live in a vibrant new neighborhood with 24 acres of preserved green space and 578 acres of surrounding parkland. The homes for Hastings have innovative features and all the amenities you’ll ever want and need. Homebuyers can choose from single family homes or tonwhome designs.